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AEW Dynamite Results for April 7, 2021


Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It's Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Footage from earlier in the day aired of Chris Jericho and Inner Circle pulling up in a fleet of luxury cars.

#1 ranked “Hangman” Adam Page vs. “Platinum” Max Caster (with Anthony Bowens)!

Bowens got dropped by Page’s big boot and the match was underway! Page stomped a mudhole into Caster in the corner. He suplexed Caster and tried to pin him but Caster kicked out at the one-count. Caster tried to fight his way back into things but Page punt-kicked “Platinum” Max. Page used a senton splash for a near fall on Caster.

Caster pulled Page out of the ring, but Page countered by pushing Caster into the steel guardrail. Page, after dispatching of Bowens, jumped over the top rope and landed on Caster. Page clotheslined Caster, who had been propped up on the guardrail. As ref Rick Knox was distracted by Caster, Bowens rammed Page into the steel guardrail! And Caster went on the offensive back in the ring on “Hangman.”

Page got his feet under him and dropped Caster after a couple of forearms and a spinebuster on the pine. Page followed up with an exploder for a near fall on Caster. Page was looking for the Dead Eye on the ring apron but Caster fought out. “Hangman” dropped Caster spine-first onto the ring apron. Bowens bought time for Caster by distracting Page. Caster jumped onto the top turnbuckle and dumped Page back onto the mat with a hard suplex.

Caster jumped off the top rope with a springboard but Page countered. Bowens slid the boombox into the ring for Caster but Page grabbed it. Page used the Buckshot Lariat and pinned “Platinum” Max!

“An incredible victory and ‘Hangman’ is holding onto his number one ranking. He has got it all and he could find himself on a collision with his former partner Kenny Omega,” said Excalibur.

Tony Schiavone was in the ring to interview Death Triangle members PAC and Rey Fenix! They were accompanied by the third member of Death Triangle—Penta El Zero Miedo!

Schiavone said they’d get their shot next week at the AEW World Tag Team champions!

Orange Cassidy, Chuck Taylor, Trent, and Kris Statlander interrupted the interview.

“It may have been awhile, but we still remember,” said Chuck Taylor.

“Clearly boys, you see the writing on the wall. You want a shot at the next AEW World Tag Team champions, don’t ya? You’ve got a lot of work to do, so get off our stage,” said PAC.

“We’ve got to work our way up but that’s not a problem. We’re only out here to give you guys a heads up. The boys are back in town. And we’ve got an alien with us now too,” said Trent.

The Inner Circle returned with a revelation for the Pinnacle!

“We are back in black, baby,” said Jericho.

The fans were chanting for Inner Circle.

“We got a beatdown from the Pinnacle and after that we realized we made a lot of bad decisions. But those decisions were made by MJF. I brought him into the Inner Circle to keep him under my thumb because I know how dangerous he is. We had it perfectly planned. We knew eventually he’d show his true colors. But we got outsmarted by him. He’s only 25 years old but he’s at the Pinnacle. The problem is you don’t want to wait, MJF. You want to be better than the G.O.A.T. Chris Jericho now. You’re not as good as you think you are Max. I see you listening to the critics and the fans online. We call that being a mark. You’ll never be better than Chris Jericho and you know it. That’s causing your brain to ferment and to sour. Look at the men you’re surrounding yourself with. We’re going to turn the Pinnacle into a human centipede. You want blood? You’ll get it on May 5th in a ‘Blood & Guts!’ Match!” said Jericho.

Dasha was backstage interviewing Christian Cage.

“Last week was the culmination of an entire year of work. Frankie Kazarian pushed me into the deep end last week. Frankie knows I’m not like everybody else. I make wrestlers level up,” said Cage.

Taz interrupted Cage.

“I have a team of men that can help you. I want you to be part of Team Taz. Take your time. Sleep on it,” said Taz.

***Brought to you by GODZILLA VS. KONG (now in theaters & on HBOMax)***

#2 ranked Jurassic Express—Jungle Boy & Luchasarus vs. Bear Country—Bear Boulder & Bear Bronson!

They wasted no time in getting down to business. Luchasarus took down Bronson! Jungle Boy jumped to the outside onto Boulder! Luchasaurus crashed onto Boulder and Bronson like a meteor falling from out of the sky!

Jungle Boy jumped off the top rope but Boulder caught him. Luchasaurus tried for a crossbody to save his partner but Boulder was holding onto Jungle Boy so tightly that Luchasaurus bounced right off Boulder, who then smacked Jungle Boy straight down onto the mat! After getting worked over by Bear Country, Jungle Boy finally got the tag to Luchasaurus!

Luchasaurus laid waste to Bear Country with pump kicks!

“Amazing flexibility and power from Luchasaurus,” said Jim Ross.

Boulder superplexed Luchasaurus off the top rope and went for the cover. Jungle Boy jumped off the top to break the pin! Bear Country got the upper hand on Luchasaurus after some highly impressive tandem offense. Luchasaurus choke slammed Bronson and then finished him off with the standing moonsault for the pinfall victory!

QT Marshall was at the Nightmare Factory with Aaron Solow, Anthony Ogogo, and Nick Comoroto. Marshall said he was sick of the narrative that Cody Rhodes was trying to create. “Cody, this is my factory,” said QT Marshall, as Nick Comoroto took a bucket of blue paint and threw it against the wall, tarnishing the Nightmare Factory logo!

Tony Schiavone was on the ramp to interview Sting!

And it began to snow in Jacksonville as Sting made his way out!

Jake “The Snake” Roberts interrupted Schiavone. “The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer grabbed the microphone and said he was tired of all the agendas at AEW. “This is my time,” said Archer.

Sting pulled the microphone away from Archer. “I’m in full agreement with you. You’re a main event guy. I think you need to help him, Jake. Help him channel all this energy. Make it ‘showtime.’ You got it in you. Now go do it,” said Sting.

Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky were watching from the bleachers and were laughing at the scene.

Up next was the TNT Title Match!

TNT Champ Darby Allin (with Sting) vs. JD Drake (with Cezar Bononi & Ryan Nemeth)!

Drake chopped at Darby, sending the TNT champ reeling to the outside of the ring to collect his thoughts. Darby ran back into the ring and fired himself back out with a tope suicida! Nemeth approached Darby but Sting took out the trash! Nemeth ran from Sting and Sting stalked after him.

Darby and Drake brawled on the outside. Drake picked up Darby, bounced him off the ropes, and met him with a vicious forearm. He tried to follow up with a cannonball senton but Darby dodged it! Darby, like a daredevil, jumped off the top to the outside, crashing onto Drake and Cezar Bononi!

“What a physical match up,” said Schiavone.

“Drake is maximizing his minutes,” added Jim Ross.

Back in the ring, Drake landed a cannonball on Darby Allin! He splashed him for a near fall on Darby. Drake attempted a moonsault press but Darby got out of the way, and Drake slammed down onto the mat! Darby followed up with an avalanche code red! Next came the Coffin Drop and Darby pinned J.D. Drake, retaining the TNT Championship!

“J.D. Drake opened some eyes here tonight,” said Schiavone.

“But Darby is on fire,” said Jim Ross.

Darby was back on the ramp after the match. He held up his championship but was ambushed by the Hardy Family Office! The Dark Order came to the aid of Darby, chasing off the Hardy Family Order. Tay Conti took the fight to the Bunny!

Chris Jericho was being interviewed backstage by Alex Marvez when Jericho was attacked by MJF and Pinnacle! They took him to the ring, where FTR dropped him with a spiked piledriver! The Inner Circle were showed trapped in their dressing room.

“Iron” Mike Tyson came out to the ring to help Jericho! Mike Tyson hit Shawn Spears with a flurry of body shots! The Pinnacle retreated! Chris Jericho and “Iron” Mike Tyson shook hands while the Pinnacle threw tantrums (and chairs) on the other side of the barricade.

“A reunion with Jericho that’s very favorable to the Inner Circle,” said Jim Ross about Tyson returning to DYNAMITE.

Britt Baker was interviewed earlier in the day by Tony Schiavone. She demanded that Tony Khan give her a title match. She said she’d climb the rankings with win after win across AEW programming.

The Bunny (with Matt Hardy, The Butcher, & The Blade of The Hardy Family Office) vs. #1 ranked Tay Conti (with Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, 10, & -1 aka “Brodie Lee, Jr of The Dark Order)!

Tay Conti hit the Bunny with strikes as the bell rang! Bunny retaliated but Conti countered with a devastating suplex on Bunny! The momentum was short-lived after Bunny suplexed Conti on the outside and then followed up with a shotgun dropkick!

Tay Conti nailed Bunny with a backbreaker, back in the driver’s seat! Bunny fired back with a thrust kick! AEW Women’s Champion Hikaru Shida came out to cheer on Conti with Dark Order.

“Big Money” Matt Hardy tried to distract Conti, but she had it figured out and used the Tay-K.O. on Bunny for a near fall. Bunny used a guillotine over the top rope on Tay Conti! On the outside, Bunny took a cheap shot on Shida! As things broke down on the outside between the Hardy Family Office and Dark Order, ref Aubrey Edwards turned her attention to the two opposing factions. Bunny grabbed Shida’s kendo stick and tried to climb to the top rope to attack Tay Conti. Shida grabbed Bunny’s leg and pulled the kendo stick away from her. This allowed enough time for Tay to get to her feet. Conti rocked Bunny with a forearm and then used a superplex. She pinned Bunny after a DD-Tay!

Time for our main event!

Trios Tag Team Match!

AEW World Champion Kenny Omega & The Good Brothers—Anderson and Gallows (with Impact’s Don Callis) vs. Jon Moxley & AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson!

Callis was outside the ring, mocking Matt Jackson about the slap in the face. Don Callis then joined the commentary team.

Nick Jackson and Kenny Omega locked up in the ring. Kenny Omega took a side headlock on Nick Jackson and then knocked down Nick with a shoulder tackle. Kenny Omega tagged out to Karl Anderson. Nick used a deep arm drag to take down Anderson. Mox and the Bucks used a trio of dives to the outside on Omega and The Good Brothers!

Back in the ring, Moxley maintained wrist control and turned around Gallows with a brutal shot. Nick Jackson came in and used a wicked backstabber on Anderson! “Machine Gun” Karl Anderson countered with a spinebuster on Nick Jackson. Matt tagged in, as did Kenny. Matt Jackson elevated Omega with a backdrop. Matt Jackson faked a superkick and changed levels, hitting a DDT on the champ! Omega could barely get to his feet but Matt couldn’t bring himself to superkick his friend Omega. The champ slapped Matt Jackson and then Kenny surprised him with two snapdragon suplexes. Omega was looking for the V-trigger but Mox ran in for the save. Matt Jackson blasted Kenny Omega and then asked him if he was okay.

“Matt Jackson never wanted to be in this situation. This is something you created, Don,” said Excalibur.

The Bucks hit More Bang For Your Buck on Omega, but Karl Anderson broke up the pin. Nick Jackson ran in to save his brother. The Bucks hoisted up Omega for the V-Trigger while Mox climbed to the top rope. The Bucks just couldn’t bring themselves to do it. Mox shouted at them not to hesitate. Mox finally tagged himself in and spiked Omega with a Paradigm Shift, and then another! Mox locked in the sleeper and tried for another Paradigm Shift until the Bucks superkicked Moxley!

Eddie Kingston ran out to the ring to help Moxley, but The Good Brothers used the Magic Killer on him! The Good Brothers returned Moxley to the ring, and Kenny grabbed the pin on him!

The Good Brothers picked up Moxley. The Good Brothers and Omega encouraged the Bucks to do something—and then the Bucks superkicked Moxley! The Bucks joined Omega, Callis, and the Good Brothers for a group hug!

The fans chanted “You sold out!” at the Bucks.

Be sure to catch AEW DYNAMITE next Wednesday live on TNT! Don’t forget AEW DARK: ELEVATION every Monday at 7/6c and AEW DARK every Tuesday at 7/6c on the official AEW YouTube channel!


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